Particle acceleration

美 [ˈpɑːrtɪkl əkˌseləˈreɪʃn]英 [ˈpɑːtɪkl əkˌseləˈreɪʃn]
  • 网络粒子加速
Particle accelerationParticle acceleration
  1. Finally , the influence of resonant Self-focusing on particle acceleration in beat wave accelerator also be discussed .


  2. Particle acceleration during explosive phase of proton flares


  3. A plate collision particle acceleration method in gene transfer


  4. Study on the law of particle acceleration motion and its application to prevention of sandstorm


  5. The length of particle acceleration region in fast fluidized beds


  6. A new model for auroral particle acceleration produced by shear Alfven waves is put forward .


  7. The particle acceleration and the interaction between gas and solids in the riser of circulating fluidized beds


  8. The Influences of the Shock Thickness and Alfven Waves on the Particle Acceleration by the Diffusive Shocks


  9. The eruption of a solar flare involves energy release , plasma heating , particle acceleration , mass flows , waves , etc. .


  10. Motivated by the particle acceleration problem in pulsars , it is numerically investigated for electrostatic instability of electron-positron pairs injected in an external electric field .


  11. A kind of testing method similar to structural modality analysis can be applied to 3D cavity acoustic modality analysis . Two microphones with near space distance is used to measure the particle acceleration vector component .


  12. In this thesis , after briefly reviewing the basic properties , classification , particle acceleration , and radiation mechanisms of the SNRs . the multi-band non-thermal radiation features of the SNRs are investigated .


  13. In particle-beam field , the most intriguing applications of the nanotubes-rope channeling are connected with the possibility of particle acceleration in high gradient accelerating field , and with the possibility of construction of TeV colliders .


  14. In the viewpoint of Lagrange , the relation of the remove acceleration , the viscosity force and the Coriolis force were analyzed . It shows that the particle acceleration was caused by the Coriolis force out of the vortex core during the vortex evolution .


  15. In view of the frequency installation of radiospectrographs at Yunnan Observatory , the following radio subjects of observations and studies are suggested for the maximum phase of solar cycle 23 : ( 1 ) The study on releasing course of initial energy of proton flares and particle acceleration .


  16. In a constant electric field , a charged particle experiences constant acceleration .


  17. They can be rigidly mounted on the underwater structures to measure the acoustic pressure , acoustic particle velocity or acceleration and the spatial gradient of the velocity or acceleration of an acoustic field at a collocated point .


  18. Underwater Acoustic Technology for describing the sound field signals not only need scalar information-sound pressure in the sound field , but also need vector information in the sound field , such as sound pressure gradient , particle velocity and acceleration .


  19. The effect of the ratio of initial gas and particle velocity on the acceleration of particle in a on spatial model


  20. The analysis of the equations and the simulation results shows that the particle motion in the acceleration zone has close relation with the initial velocity ratio of gas and particles , which is not true when the particle motion is stable ;


  21. At first sight , laser beams and charged particle beams do not seem well suited for particle acceleration .


  22. Based on the discrete treatment of the particle phase , various kinds of characteristic information are employed to quantitatively analyze fluidization mechanism , including gas-particle velocity fields , particle acceleration fields , pressure fields and pressure fluctuations , and et al .


  23. It was found that the radial profiles of local particle velocity are parabolic , a plateau in the centre region and steep decreasing in the region near the bed wall , and that the length of particle acceleration along bed height is longer than that expected .


  24. Using a dispersive particle model and a particle tracking technology , a three-dimensional computational particle model on supersonic oxygen / air fuel ( SO / AF ) spray was constructed and the processes of particle acceleration and calefaction were simulated .
